Resident Advisory Board (RAB)
The Resident Advisory Board (RAB) “adequately reflects and represents” the population served by the Authority. The Yazoo City Housing Authority (YCHA) invited residents from all of our developments, races and ethnicities, special populations (i.e., youth, disabled, senior), special types of housing, etc.
The major roles and responsibilities of the Resident Advisory Board are to assist the YCHA with advocating and applying for resources to serve residents and to provide input to the YCHA Board of Commissioners on various aspects of the Authority’s operations related to residents.
Members of the RABÂ will select Committee Chair and Co-Chairs who will serve in a voluntary capacity. For the purpose of this board, a committee will consist of residents that meet together to discuss an area of their preference. RAB members can only chair one committee but may co-chair a different committee. Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs will be responsible for planning their own committee meetings which can be held via telephone, email, etc; however, all meeting notes must be provided to the YCHA RAB coordinator no later than three days after the meeting is held.